WP pie menu
WP pie menu
WP pie menu is an addon made for Blender meant to help you change your Weight Paint Brushes faster.
Just like any addon, you can install it by going to the Addons tab in the User Preferences window, clicking install and then locate the addon zip file and at last click Install Add-on.
How to use
After installing the addon, you can use it by pressing the D key on your keyboard. It will open a pie menu with the following options:
- Draw: This will set the current brush to Draw.
- Add: This will set the current brush to Add.
- Subtract: This will set the current brush to Subtract.
- Multiply: This will set the current brush to Multiply.
- Lighten: This will set the current brush to Lighten.
- Darken: This will set the current brush to Darken.
- Blur: This will set the current brush to Blur.
- Average: This will set the current brush to Average.
To access brush settings, you can use the SHIFT + D key combination. It will open a pie menu with the following options:
- Weight: This will set the weight value.
- Strength: This will set the strength value.
- Accumulate: This will toggle the accumulate option.
- Front Face: This will toggle the front face option.
The quick options Piemenu can be accessed by pressing the X key on your keyboard. It will open a pie menu with the following options:
- Bone Visibility: This will toggle the bones visibility. Note: Remember to make the bones visible again after using this option.
- Auto Normalize: This will toggle the auto normalize option.
- Multi Paint: This will toggle the multi paint option.
- Mirror Vertex Groups: This will toggle the mirror vertex groups option.
- Mirror X: This will toggle the mirror X option. Note: Only mirror X is available for now.
- Mirror Topology: This will toggle the mirror topology option.
The shortcuts can be changed in the keymap preferences under the 3D View tab.
In the WPM 3D View Panel, you can now change the order of the brushes in the pie menu and also remove them. You can also add brushes and change the current selected brush on the list by changing the brush shown in the Brush option right bellow the panel.
Future plans
- Get feedback from users to improve the addon.
Created by Telergy Studio.
YouTube channel: Telergy Studio
Instagram: @telergystudio
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
You'll get a blender addon to help you change weight paint brushes faster.